Caltech Social Science PHD 

  • Our PhD program is unique in content, so check out more information here before you apply.
  • We follow the typical Economics PhD admissions procedures and you can find more info here.
  • Students are admitted to the program not to a specific faculty member, so I do not reply to emails from interested PhD students (since there’s nothing I can do!)

Caltech SURF 

  • If you’re a Caltech student interested in doing a SURF, please email me well before the application deadline and I’d be happy to meet with you. 
  • I don’t currently have the availability to support non-Caltech SURFS; sorry!

Caltech Non-SURF Research 

  • If you’re a Caltech student interested in doing an independent research project, feel free to email me and I’m happy to meet with you. 
  • The best course of action is generally to start your project in my Ec109 class and then continue working on it after the end of the quarter.

High School Students 

  • I’m very glad you’re interested in doing research! But I don’t currently have opportunities for high school students; sorry!